- 01 Come Ye Children of the Lord
- 02 Praise To the Lord, the Almighty
- 03 More Holiness Give Me
- 04 Come, We That Love the Lord
- 05 I Skovens Dybe Stille Ro
- 06 Jesus, Lover of My Soul; Jesus, Savior Pilot Me
- 07 How Great the Wisdom and the Love; Jesus Once of Humble Birth
- 08 In Our Lovely Deseret
- 09 An Angel From On High
- 10 The Spirit of God
- 11 Jeg Har Stået På Mindets Høje
Come Ye Children of the Lord
Come Ye Children of the Lord is a CD of beautiful, traditional hymns arranged in a variety styles.
Find it on Spotify, Amazon Music, and iTunes
Seven of the melodies on this recording are from northern and western Europe. Two are traditional folk hymns from Denmark. Mark recorded both of these Danish melodies in Denmark during the summer of 2011. The lovely voice heard on these tracks is Mark’s sister-in-law, Cecilie Nørrung. And the photo on the back of the CD case was taken by Mark’s wife, Jeanette (a Denmark native), in the village of Viby, Denmark.
We hope you enjoy this CD!
- Mark Geslison: Guitars, Mandolin, Octave Mandolin, Bass
- Geoff Groberg: Piano, Guitars, Bass, Banjo, Low D Whistle
- Cecilie Nørrung: Voice on I Skovens Dybe Stille Ro, Jeg Har Stået På Mindets Høje
- Alina Geslison: Violin
- Amelia Hohl: Voice on Come, Ye Children of the Lord
- Jaren Hinckley: Clarinet
- Lawrence Lowe: French Horn
- Geraldine Lee Johnson: Oboe
- Jessica Vandagriff: Bassoon
- Jessica Patchett: Flute
- Stacey Steinhorst Cueva: Cello
All music and artwork was produced and arranged by Mark Geslison and Geoff Groberg.
© 2012 Geslison Groberg, LLC.