- 01 Redeemer of Israel; I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly
- 02 All Creatures of our God and King
- 03 Dearest Children, God is Near You
- 04 Behold The Great Redeemer Die
- 05 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- 06 Happy Hearts and Hands
- 07 For the Beauty of the Earth
- 08 Beautiful Zion, Built Above
- 09 Icelandic Psalm 189
- 10 Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord_He Is Risen
- 11 Old South Waltz
- 12 How Firm a Foundation
- 13 The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare
He is Risen
He is Risen contains peaceful hymns and melodies arranged for acoustic instruments.
Find it on Spotify, Amazon Music, and iTunes
- Geoff Groberg: piano, guitar, bass, banjo, Irish whistles
- Mark Geslison: guitar, mandolin, octave mandolin, bass, banjo
- Alina Geslison: fiddle
- Cecilie Nørrung: voice on Icelandic Psalm 189
- Lucy Tingey: voice on The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare
Happy Hearts and Hands composed by Mark Geslison.
Icelandic Psalm 189 is an Icelandic melody that was known among the earliest Icelandic Latter-day Saints during the 19th century. Mark’s ancestors were part of that LDS congregation before they emigrated to America in the 1880s. Mark adapted the original melody and arranged it for this recording.
Old South Waltz is an old American waltz that is popular at fiddle contest across the U.S. This is one of our favorite melodies.
Read some fun trivia about recording Redeemer of Israel on Geoff’s blog.
All music was produced and arranged by Mark Geslison and Geoff Groberg.
© 2013 Geslison Groberg, LLC.